Flannel Covidtime Diaries: 01.13.2021
#Covidtime Log Day: 01132021
My housemates have been using Blue Apron, but Hello Fresh offers a free trial and so there was an executive decision made to switch over. Supposedly, Hello Fresh is healthier and uses less packaging. I will say it wasn't terrible I actually enjoyed the Pecan Crusted Salmon with a side salad and roasted potatoes. I think if you're not a good cook it's a great way to cook for yourself and maybe one other person. It does also offer servings for four and not just for two. You get three dinners, so at least you don't have to think about what to cook 3 nights out of the week. I am not sponsored or getting paid to give my review of Hello Fresh, I just didn't have anything else to talk about today. I guess if you're single you can stretch it out over 6 nights and order pizza on the 7th. If I'm lazy and don't want to cook I will order a pizza, who doesn't?

I'm always most productive after a breakup. I usually do a lot of cleaning, organizing, and cooking. Is that weird? My friend thinks I should get a wintertime hobby, like sword making or soap carving. Instead I'm assembling furniture, and reorganizing the garage. The garage is slow going since it's frigid outside hence the garage is also very cold. But, I may start learning how to build furniture, so there needs to be some room in the garage for more tools and building materials. I'm not going to be too ambitious, mostly see if I can build a desk or platform bed. Those two things seem fairly easy. I don't really need a new desk or platform bed, but it seems like a good place to start.
Anyway, 2021 is going pretty slow. We're two weeks into January and it feels like the longest two weeks. It's amazing how we could slowdown time more than it already was in 2020. I didn't think that was possible. But, here we are. I do feel like things are on an upswing, so that's a positive. More people are getting vaccinated, the President was impeached a second time, and it seems more people are realizing that white supremacy is scary and can no longer be ignored. Being kind doesn't mean being weak. It doesn’t mean not having boundaries or lacking courage. We must always be kind to ourselves first before we can be kind to others. Holding other people accountable for hurting or harming you is the kindest thing you can do for yourself.
