Flannel Covidtime Diaries: 01.13.2021
#Covidtime 01122021 My housemates have been using Blue Apron, but Hello Fresh offers a free trial so there was an executive decision made

Flannel Covidtime Diaries: 01.10.2021
What's the best way that I can say this? I know that I deserve more, too. I know that I deserve to be with someone certain they want...

Flannel Covidtime Diaries: New Year 2021
I was having a conversation with my friend Kimi from California. We were talking about our friend who passed away unexpectedly in 2020

Flannel Diaries Reboot
Flannel Diaries Blog Reboot. Pandemic 2020 quarantine style!

Flannel Quarantine Diaries: Day 14
I Been Mental and Emotional Balanced #COVID19 Social (Physical) Distancing Log Day 03292020: Mood: Woo Woo I'm cleaning the townhouse. I...

Flannel Quarantine Diaries: Day 13
I'm moving out of the townhouse I shared with my ex this weekend. Our lease finally ended, and we still had to interact (very limited)...

Flannel Quarantine Diaries: Day 12
Shame is dangerous. It ruins lives, breaks relationships, can destroy families, and kills people. It took me a really long time to wrap my m

Flannel Quarantine Diaries: Log Day 8
In the end, how we treat each other is what matters the most.

Flannel Quarantine Diaries Log Day 7
I would imagine tomorrow Minnesota Governor Tim Walz will implement "Sheltering in Place." What does that mean?

5 Things to Know This Week: September 26, 2016
I did a quick scan of the interweb to see what it had for folks who were into gender non-conforming and masculine of center female...